Boston Marathon 2023 RecapSigning up for races is typically a result of peer pressure, FoMo, or a little voice in my brain saying, “I bet I could do that.” Signing…Jan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
SQL & My Friend RicardoMy friend and classmate Ricardo died about two months after we graduated from our software development bootcamp. The bootcamp lasted seven…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
Poms in the Time of CoronaI flew to New Hampshire on March 12 with the intention of visiting for a week. A few days after my arrival, I received word that my two…Apr 3, 2020Apr 3, 2020
I know how to Panic & you should tooAlmost exactly one year ago, I quit my job after 9 years and two months with the same company. I packed what I could fit of my belongings…Sep 13, 2019Sep 13, 2019
Laugh TracksDestroy_all is a terrifying command. With this being the first project of Mod 2, there were several things of which to be afraid; however…Dec 1, 2018Dec 1, 2018